Does God speak Meme?

I have my “or maybe” posts where I ridicule suggest other points of view on memes and signs I come across.

But I also come across ones I really really like. And sometimes I come across one that hits me in the solar plexus.

I don’t know if God speaks in Meme. I

know he speaks through scripture movies. I have been at the movies MANY times and had a line or a situation hit

me so personally,I knew it was a gift from above.


One was that scene from Castaway where Tom Hanks let’s Wilson go. It was just what I needed to see in order to let something go that I had needed for a while, but had to let go in order to move on to better things.

I’ve had other people speak something that I knew was from God.

Recently, I had an email from a friend. It was just a few lines at the end, but it took my breath away.

What about you? What’s the strangest way God has communicated with your heart?



One Comment

  1. Jef

    The Big Kahuna keeps sending the message, again and again and in different ways, until you finally listen. That’s what I’ve learned, although the beginning messages are usually more gentle.

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