Gratitude: Day 1

Grandpa Olson's Photos 005My blogging has slacked off since I started my day job in July and even more so with my new title (end of September). But this is November 1 and significant in a few ways. And I always liked that 30 Days of Gratitude “thing” that goes around Facebook. But I have never done it.

And I’m not now.

But I am going to do a series of gratitude posts this month focusing on being grateful for things we would never wish for or ask for in life, but we got anyway.

And, true to form, I’m going to use my own life as the example. My hope is you will be able to find some light in the dark too.

My hard things might not be your hard things, but maybe you’ll see something in my stuff to help you with yours.

And, don’t worry.

I’m not about to put a Pollyanna face on anything. Can you imagine? No, me either. If I’m the most optimistic person in the room, we need to get out of that room. Fast.

I want to provide…


Proof that gratitude is only second to love in this world. The gratitude we exude and that which we absorb.