It Feels Like an Of Course

How does your decision making work?

In all the decision making I’ve been doing lately, it’s been pretty beautiful because as the answer presented itself, it was almost like I recognized it. As my friend, Jennifer put it, I woke up with the knowing.

I did. A knowing so deep and right, it was an of course.

It was a brand new answer, yet so right, so certain, so natural. It didn’t feel like “I guess” or “Maybe” or even “Yes.”

It felt like, Of course. Naturally. Obviously.


Of course.

I can’t say effortless, but just that thing you know in the deepest part of you, yep, that’s what I’m doing. And all the other options become faint and vague. And you wonder what took so long for this one to surface.

And you think of all the hard parts and potential downsides and it’s still…

Of course.

I have had this a few times in life. And it’s a profound. The move to California after high school. The move to Costa Rica. Eloping to Tahoe. A baby in my 40s. And now, choosing to move away from this place I have lived and loved for about a third of my life.

It’s big. But it’s right. It’s an of course.

I have always been fairly certain of the kind of life I want and don’t want. I was open to the specifics, but there was a pretty steady idea of how I wanted my journey to go. Like a long road trip…we can take several routes, but we need good people to ride with, good music, and good snacks. And clean bathrooms.

So, we’re off! And it’s an adventure. Of course.

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