Love is Not Enough

Despite every song, epic novel, and Bible story you’ve been told, love is not enough.

I am talking about love as a singular emotion. If we’re going to wrap all the qualities love encapsulates– as well as love itself– then we’re not on the same page.

I have to say it somewhere: I do not believe in unconditional love.

I know- it’s terrible.

How can I call myself a Christian?

I believe God is the only truest love. But even God wants us to believe in him. Acknowledge him. It’s not a totally free ride.

But this post is  about what we humans call love. And how we attempt to love each other.

I think what we call true love is LOVE PLUS.

We love.

PLUS we feel passion and respect and anticipation and safety and trust and hope.

But what about when you lose all the other stuff?

Love remains.

But it may not be enough.

Or it is just enough to break your heart.