Miracles in the Rearview Mirror

It is the last day of 2013. How do you feel? So many seem to be expressing gratitude that this year is over. A local paper even had the headline about not letting the door hit you-2013- on the way out…

And I get it. It seems like a lot of hard stuff happened this year.

And I’ve heard the age old line about how quick it went. Can you believe it?

For me, neither of those are true. A lot of good stuff happened to me this year and it feels like New Year’s Day 2013 was a loooong time ago.

I leapt into 2013 ready to leave the sorrow and confusion of my divorce behind me. Forge ahead in the new life I had. The cards had been dealt, and I was determined to play the best hand I could.

I got a new job.

I got to go to Costa Rica.

About mid-year, a miracle started to bloom.

I got to go to New Orleans.

And by Thanksgiving, I was ready to announce the miracle lived and breathed.

And all year, I was mama and granddaughter and friend and neighbor and Charise.

And now it is Christmas, a time when the sun shines the least and yet we celebrate a Son and his great Light.

I’m excited for 2014. And I know there will be some surprises too.

I don’t make resolutions, but I like to go in with intentions. I have had a lot of life lessons.

The good, the bad and the ugly all provide a lesson- if I’m paying attention.

So, my greatest intention for 2014 is to use the wisdom from those lessons. Grow my Faith, treasure my Family and have some Fun. And on a really good day, do all three.


Would love to hear your thoughts about this time of year or plans for 2014…