The Way of Your Being

I  heard a line from William Paul Young (writer of The Shack). He said something to the effect that we need to be living so the way of our being can match the truth of our being.

Live so the way of your being

matches the truth of your being.

Isn’t that beautiful?

That’s one of those lines that makes me feel my heart beat. Resonates deep with that low Oohhhhhh. Yes. That’s what I needed to hear.

It’s hard. It can hurt. We’ve got to find the truth of our being first. I believe we’re born with this truth and then life happens.  Staying close to that truth is harder for some of us than others. Figuring that all out is its own incredible, brutal, amazing, so-freaking-worth-it process.

Then there’s the way of our being part.

In my humble opinion, it’s a design flaw, but the ways don’t just automatically adjust when the truth is recognized.

Years ago, I was kvetching about my life and mumbled, “Why do I do these things?” And my good friend said, “Yes, why do you?” I knew the truth of my being and needed to get on with the way of it.

I also think this takes vigilance. It’s important to stop and look around once in a while and figure out if our ways are still aligning with our truth. Are we still synced up? Have we learned something new, enhancing the truth? Have we allowed a distraction to lead us astray from living our truth?

Are we still synced up? Have we learned something new, enhancing the truth? Have we allowed a distraction to lead us astray from living our truth?

We’re all on a journey and the way of it needs to be true. True defined as not false and true defined as accurate, like the path of an arrow to its target. As it goes with journies, we may know the way, but it’s still good to look up and check the surroundings. Check the map. Check the climate. Adjust as needed. Craft that alignment of truth and ways in our lives.


My experience has been, when the way and truth are aligned, the light is not far behind.