As The Roaring Redwoods serial comes to a close pretty soon, I’ll be switching hats and writing as myself in the Women’s Contemporary Fiction category.
I’m editing With a Lemon Twist now and seeking Beta Readers.
As a Beta Reader, you get a free book and agree to give me feedback on what worked or didn’t. I may have some questions for you, but it’s all pretty simple. Really. Just read and give honest response to the book.
The worst thing will be the book will not have been through its final copy edit so you will find grammar errors and typos. But if you can put up with that…
With a Lemon Twist introduces three friends- Audrey, Julia, and Kate. Audrey’s engagement ends and with it, most of her life plans. And Audrey likes a plan! A new plan takes her to Costa Rica for service work. But while she left a lot behind, she still brings along plenty of baggage.
If you’re interested or know a reader of this genre, please comment here or message me from the “contact” page or even on Facebook. I need multiple readers so “the more the merrier!”
This is a critical step in novel development and I appreciate your help as I get the new book ready for publication. With a Lemon Twist is scheduled for release this summer.
As though I wouldn’t!!! Thank you! Will follow up with an email.
Would love to be a beta reader, Charise.
Thank you, Carol! Great! I’ll send you an email with more info.