Signs of Sandals

I like signs. I like to believe things get put in our path by God to encourage, affirm, guide. I don’t know why this is and it is not keeping with my usualĀ  bent towards I-like-the-concrete-reject-all-things-made-of-fanciful-hooey. A lot of my signs have come from movies. A therapist said this is …

Test for Mr. Right

I love me an absolute. A pass/fail. A right/wrong. A black/white. An all/nothing. I profess to appreciate the grays of life, but that is really just brainwashing by Oprah, God, and some qualified therapists. If I had it my way, there would be CERTAINTY. 100% GUARANTEES and YOUR MONEY BACK. …

An Idiot Like Me

I find myself judging people less harshly lately. Well, that’s not exactly true. I find myself judging people just as harshly, but with the qualifier that I am the same kind of idiot I think they are. And if I am not an idiot in the exact moment they are, …

The Non-Bucket List

The Bucket List thing is so great. I highly recommend it. I have a few “can’t miss” items to do. To do before… Well, before I can’t. Do. Tonight on the radio, I heard a comedy bit by (now deceased) John Pinette. He is hilarious (as usual) as he talks …

Playing the Gurl Card

We’re selling a car and my husband just emailed to tell me a serious buyer had to back out because she realized the car is a manual and she can’t drive a stick. Humph. Playing the Gurl Card. I learned to drive a manual when I was being attacked by …

For When I am Old

I have remained 39 for a few years. Enough years that I may soon be my husband’s trophy wife. But I went to the dermatologist a while ago and got some tough news. News that you only get when you have lived through too many sunburns and too many days …