Life Lessons from Downsizing

I recently moved and one lesson I learned is how much I hate moving. It really brings out the worst in me as it seems to embody so many things I dislike all at once. I downsized considerably and never realized how spiritually challenging it would be. Beyond the challenge …

How to Manipulate

One way is to create a compelling headline and then fail to deliver in the content. Bwahahaha! Got you now. But where is the value in that? I used to work with foster kids. One of the coping skills kids in the system have developed in spades is manipulation. I …

And I Hope You Dance

In 1984 I was visiting San Diego on a trip home from where we were living in Texas. I had had a rough 1983-84 as a California transplant to a small town in Texas. The visit in San Diego was to see old friends for a few days before traveling …

What does your name mean?

I saw this story a while ago about a renaming ceremony. Girls in India had been given names clearly indicating their (lack of) value in their family/community. In a country devastated by poverty and within a culture that burdens families with daughters financially, baby girls had been given names meaning …