A Traditional Christmas

This seems like the time of year for family traditions. Traditions around what you do, where you go, what you eat, when you eat it… I love the idea of traditions, but have found them hard to get going. My family did things when I was kid but we really …

Toddler Math & Science

People who got the math gene say they like math because it is concrete, quantifiable and constant. 2+2= 4 Never changes. It’s not full of variables like language. Well, I am not naturally good at math. But as a parent of a toddler, I disagree that numbers are concrete and …

How to Keep Up with a Toddler

I get asked some version of “Can you keep up with him?” regularly. This is in reference to Little Sir who is your average two year old ball of energy. Most days I think this is just one of those questions everyone gets asked. You know on the days when …