Help Pick the Cover(s)

So I am going to bundle up the episodes in book length. Episodes 1-5 will be in Collection One. And for readers who have complained about the episodic format and yet slogged through anyway, thank you. I’m sorry. Thank you. But let’s not dwell. So of the ten covers, which …

Roaring Redwoods: The Race Factor

(Episode 7: Soaring Lows is available now on ibooks, kobo and kindle!) The first characters I “had” for Redwoods were Helen and Joe. Helen took me a while to get to know. She was tricky to write: smart, modern, scarred by her upbringing… someone wanting to believe in prohibition and …

Redwoods: Why 1920s?

I feel semi-guilty admitting I do not normally read historical fiction. But there are some exceptions. I like fiction that was contemporary when it was written- in historical times. So I like Austen and Bronte, Hemingway and Fitzgerald. But I do not regularly seek fiction written today about times long …

Redwoods: A Rare Snow

(So much excitement this week! All episodes published on iBooks. Episodes 5 and 6 published on Amazon and Kobo too. And Episode 1 is now free! Episode 6 is free on Kobo and iBooks and hopefully Amazon will follow soon!) I’ve been waiting for episodes 5 and 6 to go …