Patience Kryptonite

What’s your patience kryptonite? Traffic? Kids? Lines at the DMV? Paint drying? You know, the thing that has you acting like a crazy person. You know better, but it just pushes that button. Like people waiting for the elevator and they just keep pushing the button over and over. Like …

It Feels Like an Of Course

How does your decision making work? In all the decision making I’ve been doing lately, it’s been pretty beautiful because as the answer presented itself, it was almost like I recognized it. As my friend, Jennifer put it, I woke up with the knowing. I did. A knowing so deep …

The Meanest Thing I Said

I said something during the breaking up part of this last relationship that I keep regretting. There’s always those things you say, that with some time and perspective, you think, “ouch, why did I say that?” Some hard things have to be said; a relationship is ending, it’s hard. So …

Driving Privileges

Little Sir is six. Six and a half he’ll tell you. He has taken to telling me how to drive. “Why did you get over?” “You should get over.” “Are you going too fast?” “Go faster.” “Why did you go this way?” “You should have gone the other way.” I …

So That’s That

Remember when I shared I’d fallen in love again? Well, it’s over. Not all the love- it always takes longer for the actual love to be over. But that relationship is over. It hurt, but it was the right decision. I don’t think this means I wasn’t in love, it …

Changes Ahead

I’m going to be making some big life changes. Yes, again. These are different than some of the life changes I’ve had to make in recent years. These changes  I want. I’m not exactly sure of the what or when, but doors are closing, others are opening. So, it’s an…eventful …