If Positions Were Reversed…

I have a friend with whom I have a lot in common.  We disagree too, but because we’re so much alike he will say, “If positions were reversed…” And it does make me pause. Because it’s so easy to be the pot calling the kettle black. It’s so easy to …

And Regret Nothing…

When I was in high school, I had a phenomenal teacher named Mrs. Pearson and she gave us an assignment to come up with a unique way to sign our friends’ yearbooks. Develop a catchphrase beyond the cliched “stay sweet and keep in touch”. I came up with: Enjoy the …

Finding True Love…Again.

Life is a journey. And my life’s roadways have not been straight, mapped nor always paved. In Lemon Twist, I tell a story about a bridge in Costa Rica. It was made of tree branches and wooden pallets and sort of woven together. It was a mess. That was a …

As the Heart Beats

I’ve had my heart broken. And I mean, BROKEN. Broken to the point that when people ask if it’s possible to die of a broken heart, my response was “Duh.”  And a sort of bewilderment at how I have managed to live through mine. In the midst of one heartbreak …

Trusting in 2017

2017. I am always ready for New Year’s. Because I love it. And because I’m usually experiencing some battle fatigue from the preceding year. This time ’round, I felt that fatigue more acutely than usual. Thirty years ago I worked for a retirement home and at New Year’s, one of …

Promises Kept & Broken

2016. Wow. I’m not ready to say I was ready for it to die or it was the worst year ever or any of that. BUT. It was quite the year personally and globally. I had some major milestones and that election and the icons who passed…yes, QUITE the year. …