Or, Maybe…

I like this, but I am wondering if the heart is really the best place for those folks who can’t remain in your life. I guess I can see the benefit of  having some of them linger- so you don’t forget the lessons they gave you. Or to pray for …

Or, Maybe…

Or, maybe… Okay, this sounds lovely. But we don’t always get to choose, right? I mean, is it just me that can find myself surrounded with people not possessing any of these attributes? And if they are only passing through, well…how do I put it… They are not passing through …

Or, maybe…

Or, maybe…it’s not a choice. First a disclaimer: My mother chose her marriage over mothering with difficult consequences. And I chose my children over marriage. So, I hesitated in posting this because maybe that bias makes me unqualified? But then I thought, maybe that bias makes me exactly qualified. Why …

Or, maybe…

Or, maybe…honestly, this line struck me as so wrong that there really isn’t any “maybe” about it. A slave is one who waits…Waits? Slavery in any century past and present is of one who is kept against his/her will. Trapped. Captive. Whether legally (like American slavery) or illegally (like modern …

Or, maybe…

Or, maybe…life is not a math formula. And neither is love. I’m a little worn out by these messages suggesting life is formulatic. If you do this, you will get this. In order for a formula to pass muster (or whatever math people call it), it has to be provable …

Or maybe…

Or maybe…you can forgive purely, honestly and without any kind of dirty gray ring around the edges of your apology as though it isn’t real just because you don’t forget. Maybe you don’t really need to forget because the lessons you learned from the conflict and the resolution are too …