Or, Maybe…

Or, Maybe… No! No! No!  Whoever taught you faking happiness and hiding pain is a sign of strength was wrong. I’m sure that lesson was well intentioned, so we’re not going to skewer the teacher here because I had similar teachers. But it is wrong. Remember how we learned Pluto …

Or, Maybe…

Or, maybe… Life was never simple. I’m sure for the person “clotheslined” it didn’t feel simple. It’s like those people that talk about the Good Ol’ Days. When were those? The 40’s? There’s  several million Jews who probably disagree. My Aunt Uta was one. Or was it the 60’s? Well, …

Or maybe…

Or maybe we can work on how to speak with candor AND respect. It has to be possible to speak honestly and politely. It is possible to have civil discourse. I’ve had it. It is. Vibrant discussion and even debate without dissolving into something hateful. Of course, this also requires …

Or, maybe…

Or, maybe you haven’t  read the whole thing. There ARE parts of the Bible you don’t want to  “ignore”, but certainly need to be read understanding the culture and context of their writing. So yes, picked over. I know the sentiment of this quote  is about people liking all the …

Or, maybe…

Yes, but couldn’t it taste better? You know like Riesling or a raspberry Italian soda… I know all the tricks (add lemon, spa water, etc). It’s still water and I’d still rather drink Diet Coke.

Or, maybe…

Or, maybe, you could pray for the moms directly. I know God can hear our prayers, even when we don’t have the words to make a sound. For our military moms and their kids- surely we can do better than hitting a like button. We can just say the words: …