Looking for Sparks

When I write, I like to have a few concrete images to provide “spark” for what I am trying to convey. Sometimes, these sparks help me to notice details that I wouldn’t have necessarily written. For example, in The Roaring Redwoods, the RiverWood Lodge and Casino is based on a …

Shade: Respite and Risk

Episode Two of The Roaring Redwoods is out! And I wouldn’t be doing my capitalist, entrepreneur, publishing-is-a-business best if I didn’t tell you to buy it on Amazon, Nook, or Kobo. (You can get a Kindle app for your phone or computer too.) Okay, pitch over, where was I? This …

How to Write a Book

(I’m going to do some posts on writing. Something I never thought I would sincerely blog about because there are SO many blogs out there about writing. But I figure- what’s one more? And- I have zero intention of providing anything remotely instructive. I intend my writing posts to be …