Today I Envy Heaven

Maya Angelou passed. Often when someone who has done so much and is in their mid 80s dies, I think “well done” and “a life well lived.” She considered her own end and said, “I don’t know how much longer I’ll be around. I’ll probably be writing when the Lord …

Doubtfully Writing II

My last post suggested there were two reasons writers angst. And I mean, the deep angst. There is the shallow angst of getting out of the corner you’ve written yourself (or your characters) into, meeting word count deadlines or surviving critique…but the deep angst we go through boils down to …

Doubtfully Writing

I don’t blog a lot about writing because it seemed so, well, obvious. And there are so many writing blogs, I couldn’t imagine having anything new to say that isn’t all ready being said (blogged). But the fact remains, I am a writer so it’s just bound to come up …

Snakebit Writer

You know the saying, “If it was a snake it would have bit you”? Is my Grandpa Smith the only who used to say that? Well, I haven’t been blogging since before I went to Costa Rica. Part of what I intended to do on that trip is figure out …

What do you do all day?

Between all the coffee, obsessive vacuuming and keeping Little Sir alive, I write. I also have a paycheck career in social services and education, but I’ve been on hiatus since Little Sir came along. This week, I’m joining in with some friends to talk about our writing projects. We’re all …

When a Role Model Dies

Nora Ephron died yesterday. I almost can’t believe it. I saw her on Oprah one time. There’s an idea of heaven: Sitting between Nora Ephron and Oprah. We would talk books. We’d start with lunch and end with cocktails after dinner. We’d transition from books to life stories. Oprah would …