Patience Kryptonite

What’s your patience kryptonite?

Traffic? Kids? Lines at the DMV? Paint drying? You know, the thing that has you acting like a crazy person. You know better, but it just pushes that button. Like people waiting for the elevator and they just keep pushing the button over and over. Like that’s going to do any good.

You know, the thing that has you acting like a crazy person. You know better, but it just pushes that button. Like people waiting for the elevator and they just keep pushing the button over and over. Like the elevator runs at the speed with which you push that button repeatedly…tap tap tap tap…

Things that ruffle others, I don’t get riled about. I push the elevator button once. Maybe twice if the light is burnt out.

But we all have our kryptonite where patience is concerned. Mine? Life decisions and relationships.

I’ll trade you for traffic.

The urgency I’ve felt over everything going on in my life the last few months drove me crazy. I knew the timing had to unfold. I knew I was trying to rush things. And yet,  the idea of waiting or unfolding would come to mind, I’d shudder.

I so want to be that person that wisely, benevolently smiles, “In God’s perfect timing. Relax.  It’s all going to work out.” I adore that line in the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, “It’s all going to be okay in the end. And if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.”

Isn’t that just lovely? Yet…

I had all these questions and scenarios and it was making me crazy to wait. I need answers now!  Come on! We’re wasting daylight here! Life is short! I need a plan!

Time and again, I get all freaked out and then it all works out just fine. My worry and stress were all just wasted energy that I could have used in so many other ways. The answers come – as they do- and I feel ridiculous. Sheepish. Hoping no one noticed the teeth-gnashing part.

Or even worse is when I force the answer because of impatience and then it’s all just awkward and messy. If I had just calmed down and let it happen, it would have been so much better.

So, here I am on the side of “of course“,  hoping the next time my particular brand of patience kryptonite shows up, I’ll have the iron box to put it in.


PS I have no idea why I am using Superman metaphors.

PPS But here is a link to a story about all the actors who have played Superman on TV or in Movies. 




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