Today is Little Sir’s birthday. He’s five.
He has been looking forward to 5 since he turned 4. I don’t know what it was about 5, but he could not wait for it to be here. And we did it up big with family and friends and a bounce house and all of it.
As part of my Unfolding 2015, Little Sir will end preschool Friday and head to Kinder on Monday.
Today in the car, he was quiet and I asked what he was thinking and he said the most unexpected thing.
“I love my belly button.”
And I let him know that I love his belly button too.
And I thought about how that little spot on his tummy connected us for nearly 10 months. And how connected we are now. I adore that kid.
Earlier this week I was asked if he was an accident. Aside from shock that people find this remotely appropriate to ask, I wanted to say he is about as far from an accident as you can imagine.
He was very much planned, but the world I thought he’d enter is very different. Without going into details. I truly never expected to be a single parent again. I didn’t know Gorgeous Gal wouldn’t come back after college. I didn’t know I’d be changing jobs…
And it occurs to me that God feels the same way about the world we’ve got now versus the one he planned. It’s so different.
And yet what gets me through is knowing we are not alone in this world- such as it is. God is with us.
And I hope Austin feels that about having me along side him as we navigate this life we have.